But I just wanna say...
I don't think of hentai as porn, just the drawing of sex
Age 31, Male
Who knows?
New Jersey
Joined on 9/9/07
Posted by Hunter747 - November 12th, 2008
K I was talking to one of my friends on aim and I thought why not post pics of where I do all my flashes and stuff? So my desktop is in one of my closets as it saves space that way. My laptp i keep in there too but when I dont use it I put it on the other side of the room.
Yea its a bit of a mess, but I can find everything perfectly...
Posted by Hunter747 - November 3rd, 2008
This is the same exact thing we did to the penicorn pumpkin Techno and I made. About 1 hour to make it, about 5 seconds to destroy.
/* */
Penicorn Pumpkin (Look in middle of page)
Posted by Hunter747 - October 25th, 2008
Haha! I got Little BIg Planet today, gonna be playing my PS3 all week long. Great Game, And last night I saw Saw 5, now I need to see the other 4.
On another note, still haven't figured out the flash problem and see if it happens again in a recent gallery I will be submitting, may have to do it on my laptop though.
Posted by Hunter747 - October 19th, 2008
When I started my "The Random Quiz", I was using Flash 8. Before I switched to CS3, my hard drive gave out on me. Then I was able to recover almost all of the data. Then I had trouble converting the .fla file. So I think that's what fucked it up. Well, we'll see when I submit another gallery I plan on submitting within the next 2-3 weeks. Hopefully Its not my computer, because I really don't like doing flash on my laptop...
(Also I pre-ordered Little Big Planet today. :) Hopefully I'll figure this out so I can play alot.)
Posted by Hunter747 - October 18th, 2008
Apparently there was an error in "The Random Quiz." I apologize to any of you that experienced those errors, but I cannot fix them for some reason.
No matter how many times i replace the scripts it wont work. Tomorrow I'm going to try and fix it on my laptop, because my desktop is good, but old and for some reason Flash CS3 is having problems. I will fix this flash asap, Then my desktop.
Just a warning, in the Bleach section, on image 5 the controls DO NOT work. And I'm not sure if there are any other bugs.
For now "The Random Gallery Part 2" seems to be clean.
Posted by Hunter747 - October 18th, 2008
My latest quiz is done! It will be uploaded tomorrow (Sat 10-18) at around noon.
I've decided to give out the answers this time.
The Random Quiz
1) Digital
2) Hunter747: Phantox
3) PS3/Xbox360
4) All Of The Above
5) Some Random Pic
6) Thomas Jefferson
7) Yes
8) Overpowering sexual attraction
9) Slapp-me-do
10) 40
11) Mutilation
12) Boring
13) All of The Above And Much More
14) Robot Legs On Fire Pushing a Hobo Cart
15) May 30th
Thats it. Check it out tomorrow.